Monday, September 23, 2013

Defunding Obamacare not necessary; step aside and let it implode

With yet another budget fight starting on Capitol Hill, it appears our elected representatives are up to their usual political games – none of which will even remotely begin to solve our nation’s fiscal problems.

Republicans, in their never ending fight against Obamacare, have voted to defund the implementation in the House and are now squabbling among themselves about tactics in the Senate.  Democrats, who control the Senate, will never let the House bill stand however, and Republicans know that.  The result – as usual – is a stalemate and a looming government shutdown.

President Obama has also weighed in by insisting he won’t negotiate with Congress on raising the nation’s debt limit.  Of course, this ignores that pesky Constitutional thing called co-equal branches of government, but who is quibbling?

The whole saga would be comical if very real consequences weren’t the result of this insanity.
I think the Republican tactic of falling on their sword over defunding Obamacare is dumb.  First, it’s a losing battle – House Republicans continually ignore the fact that it is impossible to govern by holding just one chamber of Congress.

Second, poll after poll shows that Republicans will share most of the blame for a government shutdown.  That isn’t a great place to be when the GOP is eying taking control of the Senate in 2014.  In fact, playing this game to its end will likely keep the Senate in Democrat control and give the Democrats more seats in the House.

That’s not to say I favor Obamacare.  I don’t.  It’s is, in my opinion, the single worst piece of legislation passed since Prohibition.  And the Supreme Court ruling that found it Constitutional defies common sense, logic, and the law in spite the senseless opinion by Chief Justice John Roberts.

What Republicans seem to not get is that fighting Obamacare at this point is a losing hand that they don’t have to fight.  If there is anything we know after five years of the Obama Presidency, it is the fact that incompetence reigns supreme in his Administration.

By all accounts, the implementation of Obamacare is likely to be much of the same, but on a much grander scale.  As such, the Republicans would be much smarter to just let the Affordable Care Act implode on its own.

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