Wednesday, June 26, 2013

My first blog entry

I've decided to do something I've wanted to do for a while - start a blog.  I don't really know what my plans are, and I'm not even sure anyone really cares what I have to say about anything.  And I'm ok with that!

I write every day for a living for a small community paper in Southwestern Ohio.  I get to write some opinion pieces, and I'll share some of them here.  Other items may be family stuff, others may be political or religion, or whatever else I want to say.

There will likely be posts about the new puppy as well, who proves to be very entertaining.  This is him at the Air Show Parade last week.  He was the hit of the parade!

I'll certainly share some great writing of other people far more talented than I am...beyond that, well I guess we will see what happens!

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